The content of «tactical urbanism» concept in the public discourse presented. It should be understood as targeted actions of the city authorities and the public in the field of urban environment in order to fill its traditional content. The process of urbanization movement institutionalization in the context of domestic development is presented. The domestic formal/informal local initiatives are analyzed. The basic forms and practices of tactical urbanism are demostrated, the circle of actors involved in the process of their realization is outlined. The main results of the sociological research showing the level of citizens responsibility and involvement in the process of improvement/arrangement of the city’s territory are highlighted. The features of the tactical urbanism phenomenon in the context of the domestic society development in modern conditions are generalized. It is established that the citizens involvement in the practice of tactical urbanization is fairly called a new form of civil participation. However, the results of the conducted sociological research have shown that despite the development of tactical urbanism ideas in the context of domestic urban practices implementation, the population readiness in urban changes and the level of their responsibility for these changes remains low.