
李宝刚, 贾承造, 李启明, 刘伟 - 新疆石油地质, 2013 - zgxjpg.com
李宝刚, 贾承造, 李启明, 刘伟
新疆石油地质, 2013zgxjpg.com
塔里木盆地西克尔地区碳酸盐岩古岩溶现象十分发育, 经研究将西克尔背斜区分布的古溶洞细分
为管状分支型, 溶洞群型, 板型和单一孤立型. 管状分支型溶洞受控于地下暗河, 为细长管道,
可发育多个细长的分支, 平面上多呈线性分布于西克尔背斜西北部地貌高部位,
距离灰岩顶面常小于3 m; 溶洞群型溶洞受潜水面和地下暗河双重控制, 主要呈片状集中发育于背
斜西北部和中北部高地貌区域, 易被方解石, 萤石充填; 板型溶洞受层间水顺层溶蚀控制,
主要分布在背斜中南部, 或呈线性顺岩层分布于沟谷两侧岩壁中, 地貌位置相对较低 …
塔里木盆地西克尔地区碳酸盐岩古岩溶现象十分发育, 经研究将西克尔背斜区分布的古溶洞细分为管状分支型, 溶洞群型, 板型和单一孤立型. 管状分支型溶洞受控于地下暗河, 为细长管道, 可发育多个细长的分支, 平面上多呈线性分布于西克尔背斜西北部地貌高部位, 距离灰岩顶面常小于 3 m; 溶洞群型溶洞受潜水面和地下暗河双重控制, 主要呈片状集中发育于背斜西北部和中北部高地貌区域, 易被方解石, 萤石充填; 板型溶洞受层间水顺层溶蚀控制, 主要分布在背斜中南部, 或呈线性顺岩层分布于沟谷两侧岩壁中, 地貌位置相对较低, 距离灰岩顶面多大于 10 m, 被铁红色和浅绿色粉砂岩等碎屑岩充填; 单一孤立型受断层和裂缝控制, 横剖面可出现倒漏斗形和漏斗形, 分布分散, 处于西克尔背斜地貌较低位置.
Abstract: The palaeokarst is widespread in carbonate outcrops in Xekar area of Tarim basin. In this paper, four types of palaeokarsts such as tubular? branching type, cavern group type, plate type and single? isolated type are presented. The tubular? branching palaeokarst is controlled by underground streams, like slim tube, long and thin branches, most lineally distributing in higher locations of northwestern part of Xekar anticline, and less than 3 meters apart from the top of carbonate rocks. The cavern group palaeokarst is controlled by ground water tables and underground streams, like a sheet, distributing in the higher positions of the northwestern and central north of the anticline, easily filled by calcites and fluorites. The plate type is controlled by along? layer? corrosing interlayer water, mostly found in the central south part of it, or linearly occurring in the cliffs of both sides of ravine, relatively lower in position, with distance larger than 10 meters from the top of the carbonate rocks, and normally filled by rust or light green siltstone or clastic rock. The single? isolated type is controlled by faults and fractures, appearing funnel shape or inverted funnel shape in cross section, dispersely distributing and found in lower part of the anticline
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