The electronics devices are facing a foremost drawback of standby leakage, which will severely impact the electronics industry from the past few decades. As well as the need for cache memory is proportionately increasing with the data processing frequency of the processors. SRAM is also used for cache reminiscence layout. Many low-energy techniques are considered to minimize the current leakage. Full MOSFET 6T SRAM mobile is the main application used for designing the digital circuits. This task implements 6T MOSFET SRAM cell. The FinFET spectra models, layout, and circuit level software implementations are carried out using FinFET 18nm nodes. The power intake, mainly off-state leakage, present-day, is the every other major problem that is being confronted inside the present-day technology of electronic enterprise because of the increasing chip densities with a wider variety of transistors. Energy consumption is the fundamental disadvantage in the SRAM model evaluation. Considering the salient features of the FinFET, 6T SRAM cell is designed at 18nm FinFET spectre models, and it is compared in contrast to MOSFET standard cell in support to the simulation results.