The reference context in which companies operate is often characterized by a high level of complexity. Any attempt aimed to represent such complexity can be facilitated by referring to appropriate semantic knowledge bases, able to structure the domain concepts along with the relationships between them. Such consideration can be particularly applied to the Model-Driven designing phases of a software system, and especially within the User eXperience - UX - modelling process. In effect, the UX modelling is becoming more and more dominant, even with the advent of Rich Internet Applications - RIAs. They represent particular web applications that are capable to provide features and functionalities of traditional desktop applications. This paper introduces a Knowledge-Driven framework for the UX engineering process based on the interaction with a domain knowledge base, along with a prototype generator. Such framework is obtained by extending and by adapting an existing one, the IDM Editor, which performs the UX reengineering of a legacy application, using the methodology Interactive Dialogue Model - IDM.