I. Introduction he Emergency Department is the first point of contact for all critical cases. It plays a pivotal role in the outcome of the care provided and is one of the vital links in the chain of healthcare in present day hospitals. Further, emergency medicine is the only specialty in the “House of Medicine” that has a federal/legal mandate to provide care to any patient requesting treatment.(1) Therefore, time is always considered as the most valuable resource by the emergency physicians in providing emergency aid. Road traffic accidents (RTAs), acute myocardial infarctions (AMIs) and cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) are the most commonly cited causes of morbidity and mortality in India (2). The quantum of patient load reporting to the emergency departments across India is way beyond their capacity, resulting in a crowded and highly tense environment where time is of prime value. A medical record is as a systematic documentation of a patient’s personal and social data, history of his or her ailment, clinical findings, investigations, diagnosis, treatment given, and an account of follow-up and outcome3. Clinical audit is to review clinical care against agreed medical profession standard in order to identify the shortcomings and opportunities for improvement. It seeks to ensure that the current knowledge is being properly used in decision-making. 4 Thus an assessment of documentation of care provided to patients would provide an insight into the timeliness, functionality and effectiveness of the care provided. It also provides data for future improvement. Medical Record Audit is a type of quality assurance task which involves formal reviews and assessments of medical records to identify where a medical organization stands in relation to compliance and standards. Documentation of patient care is frequently the Achilles heel of Clinical services. Proper documentation of clinical record is of paramount importance 5. Self-assessment and audit can help improve the standards of medical record keeping 6. This study aims at assessing the accuracy of medical record documentation of patients admitted as Priority I