In an increasingly digital world, sharing of data over the internet has been increasing day by day at a rapid speed and so are cybercrimes. According to a study, as of 2021 there are 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide. There is a need to secure this huge amount of data. This paper aims to provide a key to this problem that is ‘Cyber Security Awareness’. Cybersecurity can only be achieved by a structured approach. The relationship among cyber security recognition, skill, and actions is discussed. A study shows that people grasp cyber awareness but are only applying a very minor number of steps to protect their device, usually only the steps which are hassle free. It can also be inferred from the study that cyber awareness and cyber knowledge are directly proportional to each other which means higher the knowledge then higher will be the awareness. Numerous attacks and methodologies which are used in order to detect the vulnerabilities are discussed. Finally, scope for future research methodologies is represented.