Intent-Based Networking (IBN) is showing significant improvements in network management, especially by reducing the complexity through intent-level languages. However, IBN is not yet integrated and widely deployed in most networks. Network operators may still encounter several issues deploying new intents, such as reasoning about complex configurations to understand previously deployed rules before writing an intent to update the network state. Many networks include several devices distributed along with its topology, each device configured using vendor-specific languages. Thus, inferring the behavior of devices as high-level intents from low-level configurations can be an arduous and time-consuming task. Current solutions that derive high-level representations from bottom-up configuration analysis can not represent configurations in an intent-level. In this work, we present a bottom-up approach to extract intents from network configurations. To validate our approach, we develop a system called SCRIBE (SeCuRity Intent-Based Extractor), which decompiles security configurations from different network devices and translates them to an intent-level language called Nile. To demonstrate the feasibility of SCRIBE, we outline a case study and evaluate with dumps of real-world firewall configurations containing rules from various servers and institutions.