In the present study, lignite samples of Amynteon lignite field, as well as fly ash and bottom ash samples of Amynteon power station were analyzed for their trace elements content. Chemical analyses were performed by ICP-AES for the elements Sb, Ba, B, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mo, Ni and Zn and by XRF for Mn, P and F. Trace elements content of lignite samples were correlated with relative ash content in order to determine the geochemical affinity of the elements. An inorganic affinity was found for the elements Ni and Cu, while an organic affinity was indicated for F and an intermediate affinity for the elements Ba, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, Pb, P, Sb and Zn. Relative enrichment factors were also estimated so as to classify elements according to their partitioning during coal combustion. It is concluded that the elements Sb, B, Ba, Ni, Zn and Cd may be partially volatilized and thus not enriched in the solid residues, while Cr, Co, Cu, Pb and Mo rather condense within the installation and Mn is not depleted nor enriched.