Honey samples from apiaries located in the province of Catamarca, Argentina, were analysed. Most of the territory is arid and covered by mountains (80%). Beekeeping is situated in the arid Chaco and Yunga regions. A total of 86 pollen types, belonging to 39 families, were identified from the honey samples and 68 (79%) were native flora. Ten types were classified as predominant pollen types and were present in the monofloral honeys (n = 18), Prosopis spp., Cercidium praecox, Larrea divaricata and Tournefortia lilloi are those with the highest frequency. Pollen from Fabaceae and Asteraceae has the greatest representation in honey, with 14 and 11 types, respectively. Most of the honey samples correspond to groups II (normal pollen grain content, 39%) and III (rich in pollen grain content, 30%). The honeys analysed had a typical pollen array of arid Chaco and southern Andean Yungas flora. The present research has contributed to describe new types of monofloral honeys from native plants. This finding points to the potential commercial worth of ethnobotanical studies in the honey market and may help future investigations, which need to establish conservation categories for endemic species.