This paper reports the design and experimental results from the characterization of an integrated circuit developed for the readout of the X-ray spectrometer and tracking system of the General AntiParticle Spectrometer (GAPS) balloon mission. GAPS will search for an indirect signature of dark matter through the detection of low-energy (< 0.25 GeV/n) cosmic-ray antiprotons, antideuterons and antihelium nuclei. The ASIC, named SLIDER32 (32 channels Si-LI DEtector Readout ASIC), was fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS technology and is comprised of 32 analog readout channels, an 11-bit SAR ADC and a digital back-end section which is responsible for defining channel settings and for sending digital information to the data acquisition system. The core of the ASIC is a low-noise analog channel implementing a dynamic signal compression which makes the chip suitable for resolving both X-rays in the range of 20 to 100 keV and charged particles with energy deposition of up to 100 MeV. It features an energy resolution of 4 keV FWHM in the 20–100 keV range with a 40 pF detector capacitance, to clearly distinguish X-rays from antiprotonic or antideuteronic exotic atoms. The readout electronics of the ASIC will run at a temperature of about–40° C, complying with a detector leakage current of the order of 5–10 nA per strip.