This paper proposes a multiple-channel frontend system with current reuse for fetal monitoring applications. The structure and specifications of the proposed frontend system are determined while taking into consideration the algorithms used for fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) detection. Two amplifier topologies based on a middle rail current source/sink (MCS) are proposed for fECG and electrohysterogram (EHG) recording. The proposed amplifiers explore power optimization in both current and voltage domain and thus achieve a better effective noise efficiency factor (NEF) while providing multiple-channels. The frontend system is designed in a 0.18μm CMOS process. Simulation results show that the frontend system provides 3 fECG and 4 EHG recoding channels with a total power consumption of 3.1μW. The IA for fECG monitoring achieves an equivalent NEF of 1.17/1.21 for low noise and low power settings respectively.