Distinct and perhaps puzzling patterns in the choices of insurance products and coverage
levels can be discerned. Where production conditions are better and yields are less risky
then (a) higher insurance coverage levels are chosen; and (b) revenue insurance is
preferred over yield insurance. Also,(c) the extent of preference for revenue insurance is
stronger in more productive areas. Assuming, as many do, that growers seek to maximize …
A large variety of subsidized crop insurance products are available to US crop growers.
Distinct and perhaps puzzling patterns in the choices of insurance products and coverage
levels can be discerned. Where production conditions are better and yields are less risky
then (a) higher insurance coverage levels are chosen; and (b) revenue insurance is
preferred over yield insurance. Also,(c) the extent of preference for revenue insurance is
stronger in more productive areas. Assuming, as many do, that growers seek to maximize …