We discuss how to obtain black hole quasinormal modes (QNMs) using the asymptotic iteration method (AIM), initially developed to solve second‐order ordinary differential equations. We introduce the standard version of this method and present an improvement more suitable for numerical implementation. We demonstrate that the AIM can be used to find radial QNMs for Schwarzschild, Reissner‐Nordström (RN), and Kerr black holes in a unified way. We discuss some advantages of the AIM over the continued fractions method (CFM). This paper presents for the first time the spin 0, 1/2 and 2 QNMs of a Kerr black hole and the gravitational and electromagnetic QNMs of the RN black hole calculated via the AIM and confirms results previously obtained using the CFM. We also present some new results comparing the AIM to the WKB method. Finally we emphasize that the AIM is well suited to higher‐dimensional generalizations and we give an example of doubly rotating black holes.