A theory of regular MSC languages

JG Henriksen, M Mukund, KN Kumar, M Sohoni… - Information and …, 2005 - Elsevier
languages as the subclass of regular MSC languages … a regular MSC language is finitely
generated. Following this, we establish our characterization result for regular MSC languages

[PDF][PDF] Towards a theory of regular MSC languages

JG Henriksen, M Mukund, KN Kumar… - BRICS Report Series, 1999 - Citeseer
… Following this, we establish that the class of finitely generated regular MSC languages … ⊆M
is a regular MSC language if the corresponding string MSC language is a regular subset of Σ …

A further step towards a theory of regular MSC languages

D Kuske - Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of …, 2002 - Springer
… of [10]) MSC-graph can be represented as a string language … linear extensions form a
regular string language. I will call … and finitely generated regular MSC languages. In ICALP’00, …

Generalised regular MSC languages

B Bollig, M Leucker, T Noll - … of the Joint European Conferences on Theory …, 2002 - Springer
… We now extend our theory of regular MSC word languages to collections of MSCs.
Regularity of such a collection is reduced to regularity of the set of corresponding linearisations. …

[PS][PS] Regular MSC Languages

B Bollig, M Leucker, T Noll - 2001 - aib.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
… of regular MSC word languages. But as MSC words are dened over the innite alphabet …
In [10], a denition of regular word languages over innite alphabets is proposed by providing an …

On message sequence graphs and finitely generated regular MSC languages

JG Henriksen, M Mukund, KN Kumar… - Automata, Languages …, 2000 - Springer
… We characterize here the class of regular MSC languages that are MSG-definable in terms
of a notion called finitely generated MSC languages. We show that a regular MSC language

On regular message sequence chart languages and relationships to Mazurkiewicz trace theory

R Morin - … Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of …, 2001 - Springer
… Another interesting characterization of regular MSC languages was es… of regular languages
are regular, we consider here the following problem for MSCs: given a regular language of …

Causal closure for MSC languages

B Adsul, M Mukund, KN Kumar… - … and Theoretical Computer …, 2005 - Springer
MSC language L as a word language L over Σ consisting of all linearizations of the MSCs in
L. For an MSC language … observed when characterizing regular MSC languages in terms of …

Realizability of dynamic MSC languages

B Bollig, L Hélouët - International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 2010 - Springer
languages such as HMSCs or compositional MSCs. In a second step, we propose dynamic
MSC grammars (DMG for short) as a specification language. … A nice theory of regular sets of …

Realizability and verification of MSC graphs

R Alur, K Etessami, M Yannakakis - Theoretical Computer Science, 2005 - Elsevier
… of an MSC-graph G, due to the gap between an MSCgraph and its … MSC associated
with the node consists of a single message edge. The language of this MSC graph is non-regular