its standard fields, 7.7 deg 2 of the Boötes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. The
final sample consists of 23,745 redshifts. There are well-defined galaxy samples in 10 bands
(the BW, R, I, J, K, IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μm, and MIPS 24 μm bands) to a limiting
magnitude of I< 20 mag for spectroscopy. For these galaxies, we obtained 18,163 redshifts
from a sample of 35,200 galaxies, where random sparse sampling was used to define …
RJ Cool - American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 2006 -
AGES, the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey, is a spectroscopic survey of the NOAO Deep
Wide-Field Survey Bootes field. We have obtained redshifts of roughly 17,000 galaxies and
3,000 AGN over the nine square-degree field using the Hectospec multi-object spectrograph
on the MMT. The AGES galaxy sample consists of a highly-complete set of galaxies with I<
20 selected based on their optical or infrared properties using the NDWFS and Spitzer IRAC
and MIPS imaging of the field. AGES is senstive to L* galaxies to z= 0.5 and provides a …