In this work a hybrid scheme based on the PISO-algorithm and Kurganov-Tadmor's numerical scheme is proposed. This scheme utilizes compressible PISO method for coupling between velocity and pressure and Kurganov-Tadmor scheme for formulation of non-oscillating convective fluxes. Compressible and incompressible regimes of developed model are switched with blending function depending on local Mach and CFL number. A numerical scheme is implemented by means of OpenFOAM ver. 2.3.0 as pisoCentralFoam independent solver. Investigation of the mathematical model was conducted and exemplified by test cases. Proposed scheme can be used for wide range of Mach numbers from 0.01 to 3 or higher The mesh convergence was analyzed. Comparison of the results with the experimental and analytic data was carried out. The solver was tested in a parallel mode on a computer cluster.