Some advanced concepts for gated viewing are presented, including spectral diversity illumination techniques, non-line-of-sight imaging, indirect scene illumination, and in particular setups in bistatic configurations. By using a multiple-wavelength illumination source target speckles could be substantially reduced, leading to an improved image quality and enhanced range accuracy. In non-line-of-sight imaging experiments we observed the scenery through the reflections in a window plane. The scene was illuminated indirectly as well by a diffuse reflection of the laser beam at different nearby objects. In this setup several targets could be spotted, which, e.g., offers the capability to look around the corner in urban situations. In the presented measuring campaigns the advantages of bistatic setups in comparison with common monostatic configurations are discussed. The appearance of shadows or local contrast enhancements as well as the mitigation of retroreflections supports the human observer in interpreting the scene. Furthermore a bistatic configuration contributes to a reduced dazzling risk and to observer convertness.