Another important issue related to Islamic law regulations is the rise of social groups that see themselues as the enforcers of Islamic lsw. This is a phenomenon common to almost all regions that haae implemented region- al regulations, and West Sumatra is no exception. Groups that faII into this category include Dewan Dskwah Islam Indonesia (DDII), Majlis Mujnhidin Indonesia (MMI), Hisbut Tahrir, Komite Penegak Syariat Is- Iam (KPPSI), Paga Nagari dan lainnya. What's interesting is thst while the names of these organizations may differ, the follozuers snd leaders sre relatiuely the same type of people. Besides this, the inclusion of organiza- tions as enforcers of Islamic law keeps changing depending on the organi- zation's nctiuities. To dste, none of these groups haae managed to garner huge leaels of support f"rom the zuider public. Another factor thnt needs to be looked at is sociological reality in re- gards to the implementation of Perda Syari'ah Islam in the ztarious re- gions. The deaelopment and enforcement of Islamic Isw does of course haue benefits for the general public when it promotes something of good to soci- etu, and visa-versa