A suite of Hawaiian basalts that were variably altered in the presence of SO2-rich gases during the current summit eruptive episode at Halemaumau crater, Kilauea, were studied to determine their alteration phase assemblage and reactive pathways using electron microscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The alteration conditions represent an acid fog environment. Alteration rinds on the basalts vary in thickness from tens of micrometers to the entirety of the rock and are composed of amorphous silica rims (85–95 wt% SiO2) overlain by sulfates. Sulfate mineralogy consisted of gypsum, anhydrite, and natroalunite-jarosite. No phyllosilicates were observed in any alteration assemblages. Phenocrysts and glass were both observed to be extensively reacted during alteration. The Halemaumau samples may provide good analogs for basalt alteration on other rocky planetary bodies, i.e., Mars, Venus, and Mercury, where S is ubiquitous and low fluid/rock ratios are common.