We have fabricated and characterized diamond based heterojunctions composed of homoepitaxial diamond (B-doped film: p type) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H film: n-type). All devices include an intrinsic amorphous silicon interface (i-a-Si:H). (J–V) characteristics of a-Si:H heterojunctions measured from 300K to 460K present a very high rectification ratio (in the range 108–109) and a current density of 10mA/cm² under 2V of forward bias. The reverse current up to −4V is below the detection limit in the whole temperature range. The devices present two regimes of operation indicating that more than one mechanism governs the carrier transport. These characteristics are compared with a Schottky barrier diode (SBD) using a tungsten carbide metal on top of the p-type diamond as a Schottky contact. The SBD device exhibits J–V characteristic with an ideality factor n close to one and the heterojunction follows this trend for low bias voltages whereas for bias voltage above 1V a second regime with larger ideality factors n~3.6 is observed. These results point out the prominent role of transport mechanisms at heterointerface between the a-Si:H layers and the p-type doped diamond which degrades the current injection. The breakdown voltage reached −160V indicating the good quality of the deposited layers.