Lean manufacturing is the concept of production and the method that was provided by Toyota, Japan, today used by many firms in the industry." Lean is essentially a method or strategy of systemic identification and disposal through continuous improvement, which involves the constant improvement of the product at customers' pull. The primary objective is to decrease waste across all manufacturing areas including customer relationships and product design and suppliers." The automotive component manufacturing business, which improves automotive sector growth objectives, is extremely popular in lean tools and strategy. The car industry is one of the world's major markets. Today, cars have become the need for everybody. Indian autos have a large volume, but the Indian car sector is currently confronted with a major challenge, namely a slowdown. The primary aim of this study is to analyse why the car industry has slowed down. It analyses the shifting automotive industry circumstances that affect customers' buying behaviour. The examination of the sales of several car manufacturers in India. It also offers the opportunity of the future and points out the answer with the assistance of new trends to grab the market and expand sales in the future by the automotive firms. It also sheds insight on innovative automotive technology.