This paper presents Libyan Renewable Energy Sources (LRES), as Libya relies heavily on conventional energy resources (CER) to fulfil its energy requirements, and these resources are still being used to cover the country’s regularly increasing energy needs. Moreover, a mostly Libyan rural area has a quite remote location from the national electrical grid. In the past,(security and political were better), there was trying to solve this problem by focusing more on RES besides CER. Libya has enough potential and is a well-known market for RES, and it is time to invest in renewables. However, there is still a large gap between generating power and the required energy. The aim is to demonstrate the current RE potential in Libya in general, the techniques which have been used so far and compare current and future barriers. Finally, there will be some recommendations that show how Libya may change the current scenario of its energy sector by using the available RES. Admittedly, it is so challenging to develop and improve the GECOL from using CER to RES, if the country is still suffering from a civil war, instability in general.