Mineralizations at Keban and its surroundings are generally observed at the contacts of granitoids and epimeta- morphic rocks, in Nimri formation and in Keban marbles. Lead-zinc mineralizations in this region are previously interpreted as skarn type occurrences associated with granitoids. In this study, predominantly carbonate mineralizations in the carbonate rocks of Nimri formation and sulphide and carbonate ores within the Keban marbles are investigated. As a result of mineralog- ical, petrographical and geochemical studies, some significant evidences indicate that the mineralizations are not directly relat- ed with the skarn type associated with granitoids. According to the limited data collected during this study, the view that the min- eralizations, present in Nimri formation and Keban marble, are mobilized with the influence of granitoids becomes significant. Mineralizations taking place earlier than mobilization are discussed by exhalative sedimentary (SEDEX) type and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) relying on the present data. Some evidence is found for SEDEX type. While primary occurrences are getting their new positions by means of secondary processes, metallic contents of primary occurrences are enriched. Mobilizations re- lated with metamorphism and/or granitoid impact and enrichment processes caused by weathering are out of the study. The main result of this study is the necessity of new other revitalization of discussions about the origin of primary occurrences for contribution to science and economy.