Democracy is a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” But, in reality, the democratic processes are not trustworthy. One of the crucial democracy-oriented progression is an act of voting. When voting comes into consideration, it brings many feelings in reflection, like fraud, threatening, and cheating. But at some level, e-voting can introduce transparency in the process. Digitalization of any process always leads some security and privacy issues which further leads to democracy tempering. Voter authentication, privacy preservation, and integrity are the three essential principles of e-voting which needs to be indispensably implemented along with. Integrity plays a vital role to increase firm belief in such democratic processes. This research has been carried out to bring integrity in e-voting system to achieve security, trustworthiness, and coherence toward the system. To achieve the expressed objective, secure hash algorithm of family 3 has been implemented to generate message authentication code before final vote transmitted.