The process of establishing a directional communication link between the vehicle (VE) on the road and a roadside unit (RSU) is known as initial access process in 5G-millimeter wave(mmWave)-Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communications. Initial access is a tricky problem because substantial interruption or delay can be experienced where the RSU and the VE tries to discover the suitable beam alignment for establishing a direct communication link. Thus, it is very important to resolve this initial access problem in an effective way. Moreover, with the popularity of 5G-mmWave based V2X communication many researchers are trying to address this problem. Therefore, in this paper, we will be presenting a novel beam refinement technique that uses Improved Genetic Algorithm which is quite useful when the system is comprised of large number of antenna arrays. In this work we have considered that RSU and VE are equipped with multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna system. Proposed improved genetic algorithm includes some key improvements in terms of selection procedure, elitism, crossover and mutation operations. The effectiveness of the proposed work is investigated in terms of Capacity achieved vs number of transmit and receive antennas at RSU and VE, codebook size, outage probability and total transmitted power. Moreover, a detail analysis has been performed with previous state of the art works in terms of key performance metrics like: capacity achieved by 5G-V2X system, outage probability, and total transmitted power utilization. The proposed work has shown improved beam refinement by solving the initial access problem effectively.