Recent advances in healthcare such as Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) requires practitioners to frequently access archived historical healthcare literatures and images. As the majority of healthcare literatures contain images such as medical images, clip arts, waveforms, flow charts and block diagrams, in this paper we present the use of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) for efficient healthcare literature search and retrieval. We introduce a novel shape based feature called Fourier Edge Orientation Autocorrelogram (FEOAC) for search and retrieval of healthcare literatures. Scale and translation invariant Edge Orientation Autocorrelogram (EOAC) feature is made rotation invariant by applying Fourier transform. This Fourier based shape feature also reduces the feature set dimension enabling faster retrieval of document images in large databases. Experimental results show that FEOAC outperforms EOAC for search and retrieval of healthcare document images, with improved precision and recall rates.