An inductively-powered wireless integrated neural recording and stimulation (WINeRS-8) system-on-a-chip (SoC) that is compatible with the EnerCage-HC2 for wireless/battery-less operation has been presented for neuroscience experiments on freely behaving animals. WINeRS-8 includes a 32-ch recording analog front end, a 4-ch current-controlled stimulator, and a 434 MHz on-off keying data link to an external software- defined radio wideband receiver (Rx). The headstage also has a bluetooth low energy link for controlling the SoC. WINeRS-8/EnerCage-HC2 systems form a bidirectional wireless and battery-less neural interface within a standard homecage, which can support longitudinal experiments in an enriched environment. Both systems were verified in vivo on rat animal model, and the recorded signals were compared with hardwired and battery-powered recording results. Realtime stimulation and recording verified the system's potential for bidirectional neural interfacing within the homecage, while continuously delivering 35 mW to the hybrid WINeRS-8 headstage over an unlimited period.