Nowadays, the growing world population, climate change, pollution, rising consumer demand, and resource exploitation have contributed to a freshwater shortage. Hence, water desalination is heavily used for freshwater production. Meeting water demands in a cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly manner requires the right combination of renewable energy and desalination technology. In this paper, an extensive review of various renewable energy-based desalination technologies is presented. The different types of energy like wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic, geothermal, wave and pressure retarded osmosis are explained. These renewable energies can be used in different desalination techniques such as reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, mechanical vapour compression, multi-effect desalination, membrane distillation, etc. It is noted that the most effective desalination systems consisted of a combination of these renewable energy sources, and some had an energy storage device to maintain a uniform energy flow in the system. The prospects of using renewable energy resources for water desalination were also explored in the scope of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. The costs of the renewable energy desalination process are presented, along with the related challenges and outlook. It is noted that the correct combination of renewable energy and desalination technologies is the key to meeting water demand in a cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner.