The study examined the influence of firm attributes on tax aggressiveness of quoted Commercial Banks in Nigeria. It specifically evaluated how firm profitability, leverage, relate with tax aggressiveness in Nigerian banks. The study employed Ex-Post Facto research design. The sample size consist of an equal sample of the 13 listed Commercial Banks firms quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Secondary data was used for the study as extracted from the annual reports and financial statements of the selected banks for a nine-year period of 2012-2020. The panel data were analyzed using descriptive statistic, correlation and panel data regression technique which was dually estimated to capture the samples. The outcome of the Nigerian model showed that while profitability has significant positive relationships with tax aggressiveness, while firm leverage has insignificant positive relationships with tax aggressiveness. The study recommends, among others, that Considering that highly profitable firms were highly tax aggressive as shown in the Nigerian model, management should ensure that they install strong corporate governance mechanisms in order to guarantee that the intended gains from tax avoidance activities are not opportunistically misused by the managers.