Trichomes play an important role in many physiological and ecological aspects of plants. ESTs from the fruit trichomes are reporting first time, from this plant. Our previous paper reported about the morphology, histochemical and ontology studies of plants trichomes while present paper focused on the ESTs derived from the glandular and nonglandular trichomes on fruits and its analysis. A total 700 ESTs were sequenced from cDNA library of trichomes of an average length of 435 bp. Cluster analysis indicates the presence of 52 counting and 110 singletones transcript redundancy of 54% which means that at least 44% of the total ESTs might yield some useful genes. About 93 sequences annotated to only one GO category and established pathway association to 65 sequences in Keyto encyclopedia of gene and genomics (KEGG). Expression analyses of selected set of genes are known to be involved in the pathway of secondary metabolite synthesis. ESTs determination reports some important proteins, saturated and unsaturated lipids, proteins like flavon-6-phosphate, chalocone synthase, lipoxigenase etc., important metabolites for plant protection. This research is reporting first time from the fruit trichomes and it’s containing lots of useful secondary compounds. So being an important medicinal plant it has capacity for chemical synthesis and secretion for the production of natural products but trichome-specific metabolic pathways and genes involved in various trichome developmental stages have remained unknown. Furthermore, only a very limited amount of plant trichome genomics information is available in scattered databases so further work helpful to increase the secondary metabolic contained that will opens new pathway for the pharmaceutical line.