The plant Erythrina indica Linn. belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is commonly known as kalyana murukku [1] or mullu murukku grown throughout the tropical region of the world. It is a medium sized quick growing tree attaining a height of 18.3 mt, armed with black prickles, bark is smooth, greenish or yellowish lustrous peeling off in thin papery flake for relief of earache and as an anodyne for toothache. The plant is a reputed remedy for inflammatory, sedative, helmen thiasis and hyperlipidemic. The leaves of Erythrina indicaLinn are used as sedative, in pain, inflammation, for round, tape or thread worm infestation and cathartic [2-5]. The plant is used in various diseases such as anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-helmenthiasis and antihyperlipidemic. Crushed leaves are applied in rheumatic joints to relieve pain. The juices of leaves are used to kill worms, used for dysmenorrhea, anti diarrhoea and analgesic. Leaves contains 8-oxo-erythraline, 11-bmethoerythralin n-oxide, 11-methoxy erythrine, ercrystin and erythrinine [6].