Strategic planning and decision making has an important role in organizational development and sustainability. Various types of strategies are used in strategic management such as Red ocean strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Green ocean strategy and Purple ocean strategy. These strategies are used in organizations by top level executive managers for long term sustainability of organization and to face or avoid the competition. Based on organizational analysis, it is observed that some of the organizations and individuals especially in developing countries use a new type of strategy for sustainability or survival at least for short term to overcome their intense problem and to get quick relief from the problems called black ocean strategy. The details of black ocean strategy including the concept development, definition, characteristics and procedure are discussed in a recently published paper entitled" Black Ocean Strategy-A probe into new type of strategy used for organizational strategies". In this paper, we have analysed various features of" Black ocean strategy" using our recently developed business model & concept analyzing framework called ABCD technique. The characteristics of the strategy is evaluated based on identifying and analyzing the advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages under various organizational issues, affecting factors and critical constituent elements. The results support the logic of using ABCD analyzing technique in any system/concept performance evaluation.