Raw material waste generation is inevitable in e te rv liifthlt factoring process. The presence of waste is oil ihdlcalioii that materials are not being used eflicieilih hi ‘lice innm companies are taking diverse approaches In m iliim i” wastage to reduce drop in profitability levels and negative impact on the macro and micro environment. W hen consider ing the concept of waste management: zero u asi Is a visiunary waste management system lhal Iras been p ic■ lited as an alternative solution for waste problems in rei nl de, adi\s [l| The organization subjected for the stiidv has illleath ellt braced the concept of zero waste; therefore slnndaid i| nalilv tools including Pareto analysis and fishbone diag'ain a ‘e nil lized to achieve zero pow der waste in order lit Hi i iml■ op erational efficiency as well as positive environm ental impart A filling and packing process of powder products is llv ceil tral point of the study. M ajor objectives are to deldlinllle sir. nificant waste categories and analyze root t auSes IS wt ll r< ommend solutions for reducing the level of ponder Ivasle including product overfill. In order to reduce llie total tests n| quality due to rejects and defects, control must be at the point of manufacture or operation; quality cannot be inspected in i" an item or service after it has been produced.
• AAAHE Peremisan instructor. Department of Foul>■ e•-Tnft-nology, University of Sri layewardenepura, Gangodawila,< ln Lanka. E-mail: ha $ ani. erandi. i> erera&tmaii. cm, t «• Dr. SB Navaralne if a Professor of Department of Food.‘-■ w->■ V'• nology, Universityof Sri layewardenepura, Gtmgothtrih. Vii<-la.-i Lanka. E-mail: sbnava@ sjp. ac. lk