The port-based activity is often associated with industrial growth in the hinterland and similar phenomenon reported from the Gulf of Kachchh, India. Industrialization exerts pressure on coastal water through the release of waste water or effluents which influence the entire marine ecosystem. The present paper tries to evaluate the variation in the water quality during the high tide and low tide in relation to the anthropogenic or natural influence in Gulf of Kachchh. The tidal variation is important as it reflects the influence of the land-based activity on the coastal waters. To prove this logic, a series of stations were taken along the coastal water and statistical analysis, viz., Pearson correlation, Box plot, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), and factor analysis (PCA/FA) were conducted. Pearson correlation and Box plot represent visual impact of parameter variations in respected tides. The chemometric analysis, i.e., HCA and PCA/FA, clearly indicates an anthropogenic impact on coastal water. The results of HCA revealed that major anthropogenic and domestic impacts were found at various stations during the low tide. The HCA points out that an anthropogenic and the tidal activity in the Gulf of Kachchh influence the physical water quality parameters like pH, salinity, dissolved solid, oxygen, turbidity, sulfate, and nutrients in the coastal ecosystem. The PCA/FA further ascertains the finding of HCA analysis that the state of the art of the water quality of coastal ecosystem has direct relevance with the land-based activities and sewage outfall points. Tide-based control on the water quality parameters was evident that the high tide nutrients like phosphates and nitrogen were high, while during the low tide, temperature, salinity, total solids, and sulfate showed higher concentrations. The findings of the paper will be useful for developing effective management strategies for policy makers or stakeholders operating in the coastal area.