The potential for hantaviral transmission among wild Norway rats by wounding associated with aggressive interactions was evaluated using a prospective sero-epidemiological study coupled with a mark-release-recapture survey. There was a significant association between an animal's serological status and the presence of wounds. Longitudinal studies of marked and released animals showed sero-conversion between captures was associated with wounding between captures more often (33%) than expected by chance, while unwounded animals seroconverted less often (8%) than expected. Typically, less than a 5% difference was found when comparing the incidence of seroconversion with the predicted rate based on wounding and seroprevalence. Infection was highly associated with the onset of sexual maturity and aggression but decoupled from rat age and the length of environmental exposure. Seroconversions occurred at times most associated with aggressive encounters and least associated with amicable behaviours that could lead to aerosol transmission.
Cambridge University Press