Astrometeorology is a great science gifted by our ancestors, provides opportunity to predict accurate weather in advance without time limit. In Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Astromet weather forecast rules for rain and wind speed were already defined. In continuation of Astromet research on rainfall and wind speed, identification of Astromet rules for the extreme weather events particularly Cyclone events had been taken up during 2018-19 at Agro climate Research Centre, TNAU, Coimbatore. Six hourly cyclone data observed from 1990 to 2016 over Bay of Bengal (BOB) were correlated with the ephemeris developed for the same period in Alcyone ephemeris calculator. The results of the study inferred that the cyclone events were concentred between the azimuth range of 61-120 and 240-300, irrespective of planet positions. The planets viz., Uranus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter had higher influence on cyclone events than other planets. In the above said azimuth, the Depression category events were highly influenced by the planets viz., Uranus (67.9%), Mars (66.4%), Saturn (66.1%), Neptune (65.9%), and Jupiter (65.3%). The Deep Depression category events were highly influenced by Jupiter (67.6%), Saturn (66.8%), Uranus (65.6%), and Mars (64.9%). The cyclone storm events were influenced by the planets viz., Neptune (70.1%), Saturn (69.4%), Uranus (68.6%), Moon (68.0%), and Jupiter (67.4%), whereas the influence on Severe Cyclonic Storm category was by the planets viz., Moon (74.6%), Uranus (71.0%), Saturn (68.4%), Mercury (66.8%), and Mars (66.3%) under the above said azimuth range. The earlier Astromet study also inferred the influence of Moon, Saturn and Neptune on rainfall events and Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Saturn on wind speed events under same azimuth. Since, the cyclone is a combination of wind and rainfall, these planets also have good influence on the cyclone events. The conclusion derived from the investigation is that the planets have good influence on cyclone events at varied levels. Most of the cyclone events (59 to 75%) were observed between the azimuth range of 61-120 and 241-300 degrees of cyclone influencing planet such as Saturn, Uranus, Moon, Mercury, and Venus.