The present study investigated the effects of film posters with destination marketing content on audiences’ attitude towards the destination, intention to visit and destination image. The basic assumption was that positive and negative destination placement in films of two different attractive tourist destinations could influence audiences’ attitude towards the destination, intention to visit and destination image. Using film posters as experimental stimuli, proposed hypotheses were examined by employing a 2 (destination placement in films: positive/negative)× 2 (attractive tourist destination: high/low) factorial design. Results suggest that audiences’ responses towards positive destination placement in film facilitated high and favourable attitude towards the destination, visit intention and destination image than negative destination placement regardless of the type of attractive tourist destination (high/low). Findings of the present study are relevant for tourism and destination marketers who are constantly searching for a suitable way and medium to place destinations in mass media. The results also call for more empirical studies within the influence of films with negative plots on the depicted destinations, such as their longlasting effect on the destination image.