parallel primal-dual decomposition algorithms to solve a wide range class of constrained convex optimization problems. Our approach relies on a novel combination of the augmented Lagrangian framework, partial alternating/linearization scheme, Nesterov's acceleration technique, and adaptive strategy. The proposed algorithms have the following new features compared to existing ADMM variants. First, they have a Nesterov's acceleration …
We develop two new variants of alternating direction methods of multipliers (ADMM) and two parallel primal-dual decomposition algorithms to solve a wide range class of constrained convex optimization problems. Our approach relies on a novel combination of the augmented Lagrangian framework, partial alternating/linearization scheme, Nesterov's acceleration technique, and adaptive strategy. The proposed algorithms have the following new features compared to existing ADMM variants. First, they have a Nesterov's acceleration step on the primal variables instead of the dual ones as in several ADMM variants. Second, they possess an optimal -convergence rate guarantee in a non-ergodic sense without any smoothness or strong convexity-type assumption, where is the iteration counter. When one objective term is strongly convex, our algorithm achieves an optimal -non-ergodic rate. Third, our methods have better per-iteration complexity than standard ADMM due to the linearization step in the second subproblem. Fourth, we provide a set of conditions to derive update rules for algorithmic parameters, and give a concrete update for these parameters as an example. Finally, when the objective function is separable, our methods can naturally be implemented in a parallel fashion. We also study two extensions of our methods and a connection to existing primal-dual methods. We verify our theoretical development via different numerical examples and compare our methods with some existing state-of-the-art algorithms.