The aims and objectives of the study were to i) perform image segmentation using a color-based k-means clustering algorithm and feature extraction using binary robust invariant scalable key points (BRISK), maximum stable extremal regions (MSER), features from accelerated segment test (FAST), Harris, and orientated FAST and rotated BRIEF (ORB); ii) compare the performance of classical machine learning techniques such as LogitBoost, Bagging, and SVM with a quantum machine learning technique. For the proposed study, 240 hand thermal images were acquired in the dorsal view and ventral view of both the right and left-hand regions of RA and normal subjects. The hot spot regions from the thermograms were segmented using a color-based k-means clustering technique. The features from the segmented hot spot region were extracted using different feature extraction methods. Finally, normal and RA groups were categorized using LogitBoost, Bagging, and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. The proposed study used two testing methods, such as 10-fold cross-validation and a percentage split of 80–20%. The LogitBoost classifier outperformed with an accuracy of 93.75% using the 10-fold cross-validation technique compared to other classifiers. Also, the quantum support vector machine (QSVM) obtained a prediction accuracy of 92.7%. Furthermore, the QSVM model reduces the computational cost and training time of the model to classify the RA and normal subjects. Thus, thermograms with classical machine learning and quantum machine learning algorithms could be considered a feasible technique for classifying normal and RA groups.