Most of the proposed algorithms to solve the dynamic clustering problem are based on nature inspired meta-heuristic algorithms. In this paper a different reinforcement based optimization approach called continuous action-set learning automata (CALA) is used and a novel dynamic clustering approach called ACCALA is proposed. CALA is an optimization tool interacting with a random environment and learn the optimal action from the environment feedbacks. In this paper the dynamic clustering problem considered as a noisy optimization problem and the team of CALAs is used to solve this noisy optimization problem. To build such a team of CALAs this paper proposed a new representation of CALAs. Each automaton in this team uses its continuous action-set and defining a suitable action-set for each automaton has a great impact on the CALAs search behavior. In this paper we used the statistical property of data-sets and proposed a new method to automatically find an action-set for each automaton. The performance of ACCALA is evaluated and the results are compared with seven well-known automatic clustering techniques. Also ACCALA is used to perform automatic segmentation. The experimental results are promising and show that the proposed algorithm produced compact and well-separated clusters.