This paper examined the barriers to Girl-child education in Nigeria and strategies for improvement. The paper stressed that education is a right to every Nigerian child irrespective of gender, denying her access to education implies making her a dysfunctional member of the society. The paper went further to discuss the relevance of girl-child education to nation building. Some barriers to girl-child education such as cultural influence, sexual violence and abuse, religious chaos, economic factors, among others were highlighted. The paper suggests some useful strategies for improving the education of the girl-child. These include: creating awareness to parents that every child born into a family is important and deserves to be loved and treated equally especially by giving them access to education, abolishing the traditional practices that negate the girl child from going to school. The paper recommends among others that Government at all levels should fund education of the girl child and provide scholarships and grants for her; there is need for attitudinal change, a re-orientation of societal and parental values towards the education of girls.