Three Trichoderma harzianum isolates viz., Th-Sks, Th-Ke and Th-Ar collected from respective states of India viz., Rajasthan, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh were evaluated for the management of six fungal diseases namely damping off, Fusarium wilt, Rhizoctonia wilt, early leaf spot, late blight and Septoria leaf spot in tomato. During in vitro analysis, T. harzianum isolates inhibited the pathogens’ growth. Isolate Th-Sks was the most virulent antagonist against all the test pathogens and exhibited maximum of 79.47% growth inhibition of Phytophthora infestans. Isolate Th-Sks proved most effective at suppression efficacy in the range of 95–100% and 91–100% against all diseases under glasshouse and in the field conditions, respectively. Tomato seeds treatment with isolate Th-Sks also promoted plant height (78.23 cm) and fruits yield (290 g/plant) during field trial and data were found to be not-significantly different from other isolates. Thus, it is concluded that isolate Th-Sks can be utilised as a biocontrol agent for management of fungal diseases in tomato.