Biomass is an alternative energy that could become one of the solutions to substitute fosil fuels and to overcome energy deficit in Indonesia. The reasons are the first biomass is a renewable energy source which emit nearly zero CO2 to the atmosphere and the second Indonesia has abundant biomass waste resources that have not been utilized yet. The total amount of biomass’s potential in Indonesia was estimated about 1,238.71 x106 GJ/year. The goal of this research is to identify the biomass characteristics and potentials to allow biomass utilisation as solid biofuels. Biomass recources that have high potentials to be developed in Indonesia are rice straw, rice husk, kamper wood, rubber wood, coconut fibre, empty fruit bunches of palm oil (EFB), and bagasse. Analysis which have been carried out to acquire data of characteristics of each biomass are proximate analysis (moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash content), ultimate analysis (% C,% H,% O,% N,% S) and biopolymer analysis (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content). For biomass pellet processing, each type of biomass have been converted into cylindrical biomass pellets by densification method for direct combustion. The products of this research have been tested to observe the quality of the biomass pellet. The expected result of this research is to produce biomass products that have potential to subtitute the role of fosil fuels in Indonesia.