Successful production and quality of seasonal flowers based on the production of quality seedlings which, as such, can be produced only in protected areas that achieve the optimal conditions for growth and development of young plants. A quality nursery features a well-developed root system. In this investigation was applied, in the seedling stage of production, biostimulant Radifarm ® (Valagro, spa Italy) containing the manufacturer's specifications: organic matter, polysacharides, peptides and free amino acids (arginine, asparagine and tryptophan), a vitamin complex and zinc chelate. Stimulate rapid development of lateral and main roots of plants, helps plants to overcome the stress of transplanting and adverse environmental conditions, accelerates the start of plant photosynthetic activity and promotes faster adoption of water and nutrient elements. The this experiment were used seasonal flower: begonia (Begonia semperflorens L.), marigold (Tagetes patula L.), sage (Salvia splendens L.) and primrose (Primula acaulis L.). Nursery flower species was transplanted in pots diameter 10.5 cm and treated with 0.25% solution biostimulant or untreated (control). During the experiment was performed measuring the fresh and dry mass of stem or root flower species, which is a statistically significant difference in treated plants compared to control. Research shows how biostimulant application, in the production of seedlings seasonal flowers species, improves growth and development of root and above ground mass, which is important for faster plant adaptation on stress.