Variability climate yearly and between unique year in Indonesia because all regions not the same and affect the pattern weather and rainfall the rain. Indonesia 's climate is influenced by the global exchange of current mass passing air its territory. Arrangement Island make Indonesia have characteristic climate that is local, equtorial, and tropical monsoons. Based on pattern rainfall During a year pattern climate in Indonesia sorted Becomes three pattern climate main that is pattern monsoon, equatorial pattern and pattern local. Profit distribution climate based on pattern rainfall is consistency each region only on controller prevailing climate relatively same. That thing what's up with the condition controller climate different because change, then will do it pattern bulk new rain formed. Incident the always occur almost all over Indonesia. Analysis used is mean, deviation, geostatistics with secondary data source from BPS and BMKG in 7 regions of West Kalimantan. Bengkayang /Sambas region showing change pattern to monsonal direction with one peak rain or pattern letter U. Other regions like Mempawah, Hedgehog, Sanggau, Sintang, Sekadau and Kapuas Hulu still Equatorial pattern with two peak rain. Precipitation and temperature air in the study area show upward trend at seven district representing the study area. There is a tendency enhancement temperature air about 0.2C for 15 years since 2004 to 2020 or 0.013 C per year. Region showing change pattern rain from Equatorial type becomes type Moonsonal means the original area experience one peak rainy and very sensitive to impactful Monsoon wind to pattern planting.