Changes in socio-economic conditions in countries create changes in the management of their economic and social processes, which results are also in the reform processes in the public administration. At the same time, with that also the concepts of its rational organization and effective management are looking for. The rebuilding of existing systems of public administration and the definition of its new roles in society was a very complex task because on the one hand dont existed coherent theory of public administration and on the other hand existed barrier of the political centralized management of public administration. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the most significant changes of the local selfgovernment in the period 25 years on the example of the Slovak Republic. The analysis has shown that local self-government has undergone significant changes over the last 25 years, particularly in the area of financing. Although the aim of the changes was primarily to reduce the financial dependence of local selfgovernment on the state budget, but this could not be achieved in its entirety. However, it should be added that the reform of public administration in Slovak Republic is not yet complete.