Engaging with emerging technology and harnessing its potential benefits requires a well functioning innovation system. The increasing complexities of emerging technology in conjunction with their convergence demands a systemic interaction of various actors in the innovation system and a greater need for S&T collaboration at various spatial scale. Also, emerging technology throws entrepreneurial challenges and demands entrepreneurs as ‘technology champions’ to facilitate the use of frontier technologies. With increasing global interdependence the various spatial dimensions of innovation systems are not expected to act in an isolated manner. The paper attempts to capture the changing dynamics of innovation systems in India by drawing the interlinkages between various spatial scales of innovation systems and gain insights into the nature of collaborations and entrepreneurship in emerging field of nanotechnology. The paper draws a conclusion that despite a weak innovation system in India, collaborations and entrepreneurship in the exploitation and generation of emerging technology would provide opportunities to an developing country like India to catch-up. However, the countries ability to adopt to the changing demands posed by emerging technology will determine the efficiency of the innovation system.