Most research on predictors of teen dating violence (TDV) has used cross-sectional data, which weakens predictive modeling and hypothesis testing analyses. This study uses prospective and retrospective longitudinal data on a community sample to examine previously identified predictors of TDV victimization and pathways from childhood risk and protection to TDV victimization. Data are from 941 participants in the Raising Healthy Children project. Bivariate analyses found associations in the expected direction between potential predictors and TDV victimization. For girls, a multivariate path model indicated that higher levels of bonding to parents and social skills protected against TDV victimizations, partly by reducing early adolescent alcohol use. While externalizing and internalizing behaviors in early adolescence were predicted by childhood risk and protective factors for girls, neither uniquely predicted TDV victimization. For boys, there was an indirect path from childhood bonding to parents to TDV victimization through early adolescent externalizing behavior.