Numerous studies on the influence of age on second language acquisition have questioned the necessity of starting second language instruction as early as possible due to the slow rate of acquisition (eg Snow & Hoefnagel-Hohle, 1978; Krashen et al., 1979) and possibility to compensate for the lack of an ‘early start’with cognitive strategies at a later age (eg Rubin, 1975 in Ellis, 1994). Nevertheless, the popularly held belief,‘the earlier one starts to learn a foreign language the better’, thrives among non-professionals and failed second language learners. Fuelling the growing interest in providing the young with a second language, or perhaps, meeting consumer demand, numerous institutions and private learning centres offer L2 instruction to children as young as one year of age. The Helen Doron method–at present widely popular in Poland–is a case in point. Doron’s argument supporting early instruction is neurological:‘the child’s brain rapidly overdevelops between the ages 2 and 10, being hyperactive at forming trillions of neuron connections. These connections for a task, such as learning a language, create a pathway in the brain provided a child has encountered a situation many times. Such well formed pathways will facilitate foreign language learning in the future, even if the instruction will be interrupted’(Doron, 2002: 1). Starting to learn a foreign language before the age of three has been regarded as simultaneous acquisition (MacLaughlin, 1984) of two languages, or Bilingual First Language Acquisition (DeHouwer, 1995). Yet, the terms refer to the L2 acquisition in a naturalistic setting. If the acquisition of L2 starts after the age of 3 (for MacLaughlin) or 2 (for De Houwer) it is considerd to be successive or Bilingual Second LanguageAacquisition by the aforementioned authors respectively.