The Parliament of the Czech Republic consists of two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House). In our work, we focus on agenda and documents that relate to the Chamber of Deputies exclusively. We pay particular attention to stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies’ meetings. Our overall goal is to (1) compile the protocols into a ParlaCLARIN TEI encoded corpus,(2) make this corpus accessible and searchable in the TEITOK web-based platform,(3) annotate the corpus using the modules available in TEITOK, eg detect and recognize named entities, and (4) highlight the annotations in TEITOK. In addition, we add two more goals that we consider innovative:(5) update the corpus every time a new stenographic protocol is published online by the Chambers of Deputies and (6) expose the annotations as the linked open data in order to improve the protocols’ interoperability with other existing linked open data. This paper is devoted to the goals (1) and (5).